There always seems to be so much hope in the coming of the spring. Today, March 20th, 2021 is the spring equinox for those of us in the northern hemisphere. I’ve almost always lived in places with cold and snowy winters, so when spring arrives and signs of new life start to emerge after winter, a new sense of hope and possibility comes forth. I love the feeling of the cool but not so crisp, fresh air, the sounds of the birds singing, and seeing the crocuses push up through the ground often through the remaining snow. There is so much space for renewal and revitalization.

The spring equinox is a great time to set or reset your intentions. You can review your recent actions and ways of being perhaps with a new lens of awakening, awareness, and hope, and you can decide how you want to be moving forward. Keeping what is serving you and clearing out what is not.

I set a lot of goals and intentions at the beginning of the year, yet I have recently noticed that I have become so preoccupied with perceiving what wasn’t going to happen in the future that I became paralyzed from taking action in the present. Looking through a new lens, a reminder and/or mantra I am using to remind myself to stay present is, “Today is the day that matters.” “Just do this workout/meditation/action today.” I’m letting go of trying to commit to things long-term where I have allowed myself to be overcome with worrying about not being able to commit, and instead I’m working on committing to what I can control and commit to today.

Perhaps take the day or weekend to notice your behaviors and your inner states of being, and as you notice them determine what you want to carry forward and what needs some spring cleaning. Allow the change of the seasons to inspire you and help you reconnect with yourself, your heart, and your desires.

Perhaps consider and journal or meditate with loving-kindness for yourself around:

  • How do I want to be daily?
  • Where can I notice I am in alignment?
  • Where can I adjust to being more in alignment?
  • What can I notice about this?

And if it’s helpful for you perhaps every day you can ask: “What actions can I take today to support how I want to be?”

There are new hopes and possibilities available every day; however, spring can provide new perspectives and inspiration to come forth. How might you be inspired by this change of seasons?

Rachelle Niemann


Creative, thoughtful, technically savvy, guide, holder of space, all about instilling inner peace and helping us all know self-love.

Author of Breaking Free from the Hustle for Worthiness and guide and XChange facilitator focused on cultivating environments to support well-being. My facilitation, writing, and workshops are created to help us lean into and proactively choose well-being as a way of being. Through discovering my own path to well-being and inner peace from a place of extreme anxiety, lack of identity, and unmanaged thoughts and emotions, I am dedicated to creating intentional action from a place of true experience and compassion.