Adapting to Change

I don’t know if you felt any different energy during the full harvest moon on Monday, but I know I sure did. There was a lot of energy around me, and there was a lot of wind all day. I also cried almost all day. I can only explain it as a great release that has been needed for some time now. I was emotional all day, yet I didn’t attach anything extra to it, and I just sat with and felt my emotions. I let them just be feelings this time, and I woke up Tuesday morning (with puffy eyes and all) feeling differently. Previously, I would have attached a lot of weight to feeling sad and heavy. I would’ve wondered why I was crying and created stories around it. But I’ve learned that they can just be feelings and bodily reactions of processing and releasing, and for that I am grateful.

Change is in the air once again. As we continue to navigate these tumultuous times, it may be time to bring some intentionality forth and put attention toward where you are heading, where you want to go, and determining if the two are in alignment. This pandemic created change for so many of us, and as we anticipated going “back to normal” things changed. Our lives changed; we changed in some way. We always do. Notice how things have changed, and how you have adapted to that change.

Reflect back five years ago. 

What was different? 

What is the same? 

What do you appreciate about the last five years?

This may be a good time to reset and renew intentions for the future, reassessing what’s most important to you and ensuring your actions are in alignment.


What do you need to let go of?

What is no longer serving you? 

What do you want to renew?

What do you want to continue?

Something that has been showing up in many ways to me is the challenge of integrating or reintegrating desired behaviors. If you’ve let go of some routines over the last year and a half, remember that they likely will feel at least a little differently now, and that’s okay.

Focus on creating small yet consistent actions to reintroduce or introduce yourself to new actions and behaviors. Remember, it’s okay to start small. They may not feel like they did before, and be aware of your expectations and if you’re allowing outdated thought patterns and perspectives to put weight on the activity.

Start small and flex the muscle while you work back into it. Be open and integrate from a place of curiosity and self-kindness. Look for the possibility rather than the struggle and focus on consistency over perfection and the amount of time your spending on the behavior. Make it manageable for you.

New beginnings are here. Love and care for yourself and reassess what matters most to you right now, and focus on moving toward that.

Rachelle Niemann

Rachelle Niemann

Guide, Author, XChange Facilitator

Creative Type: Artist

compassionate. holder of space. heart-connected. calm.


“I deeply understand how the support of a heart-centered and giving community can elevate us as individuals. When we are elevated, a ripple effect is created, and we all benefit. Creating these environments is my truest work.” – Rachelle

Creative, thoughtful, technically savvy, guide, holder of space, all about instilling inner peace and helping us all know self-love.

Focused on cultivating environments to support well-being, Rachelle is a guide, author of Breaking Free from the Hustle for Worthiness and XChange facilitator. Her facilitation, writing, and workshops are created to help lean into and proactively choose well-being as a way of being.

Learn More about Rachelle in the Village